My husband and I attended mass on the Feast of the Immaculate Conception this past week. The priest in his homily said some words that spoke deeply into my soul: Mary proclaimed with her life “Thy will be done” not “My will be done.”
Could I say the same of my own life, I wondered?
I think the greatest question of our life is whether our lives proclaim God’s will or whether they proclaim our own. There’s something true, beautiful, and pure about proclaiming God’s will through how we live our lives and the decisions we make. There’s something empty and selfish about doing our own will.
Going a step further, what does doing your own will really inspire in others? I am rarely inspired by people who go to all lengths to get what they want at another’s expense. But I am frequently inspired by people who lay their lives down to follow God’s will and leading.
Ladies, we are meant to live in the image of Mary and Jesus. They are our models. Let’s proclaim “Thy will be done” and not “My will be done” by how we live our lives.