Many times I meet with women and they don’t know what to do next. I will frequently ask: Has God given you a vision? Sometimes He has, sometimes He hasn’t. If He hasn’t, make no mistake, He will. Be patient and wait for it.
In my experience, God gives us a vision for our lives when He desires us to move in a particular direction. Sometimes we have to have faith and wait for that to unfold. Sometimes we also have to wait for the vision to be given to us. As Scripture says:
For still the vision awaits its appointed time; it hastens to the end—it will not lie. If it seems slow, wait for it; it will surely come; it will not delay. - Habakkuk 2:3
You know it’s a vision from God when there’s some aspect of it that wouldn’t have necessarily been your will for your life. You would have wanted it a different way. The vision will keep coming to mind and you won’t be able to let go of it. Eventually, you will embrace it and wait for it to come to pass.
I’m at a place in my life where the vision has been clear for over a year or so and it feels like the first part of the vision is coming to pass and I see clearly now that indeed, this was God’s vision and not some figment of my imagination!
So Sister in Christ, wait for the vision. It will surely come as the Lord says it will. Then, once received, have faith that it will come to pass.